chase, Liz Magic Laser, 2009-10, performance and video installation, 9 minutes excerpted from 145 minutes. With actors Annika Boras, Andra Eggleston, Gary Lai, Liz Micek, Justin Sayre, Doug Walter, Michael Wiener, Max Woertendyke and Cat Yezbak.
For chase Laser staged Bertolt Brecht’s 1926 play Man equals Man in the ATM vestibules of banks throughout New York City. She collaborated with nine actors, videotaping each actor’s performance separately. She instructed them to deliver their lines to the bank’s ATM machines and to its unsuspecting patrons. Laser edited the scenes to recreate the flow of dialogue according to the original script. In the final video, the characters seem to converse with one another through mechanical and human conduits. The element of estrangement in the original play is heightened through constant jump cuts and spatiotemporal shifts.
During the opening of the chase exhibition at Derek Eller Gallery (2010), Laser also staged a live performance of The Elephant Calf, a farcical play-within-a play that Brecht offered as an optional interlude to productions of Man equals Man. The exhibition included an installation of props and costumes from the production of chase as well as a theatrical set for The Elephant Calf.
Originally set in colonial India, Man equals Man is both a comedy and a disturbing social parable that recounts the dehumanizing metamorphosis of an ordinary man into an instrument of authoritarian and capitalist design. Four soldiers drunkenly vandalize a temple and one, Jeraiah Jip, is severely injured. His comrades decide they must find a temporary replacement for him in order to avoid being punished for their crime. They pick up a local simpleton, Galy Gay, and cajole him into pretending to be Jeraiah Jip, eventually manipulating him into fully adopting the missing soldier’s identity. Predating the concept of brainwashing, Brecht presents a man who relinquishes his individuality to become a war machine.Credits:
chase was developed with the collaboration of actors Annika Boras, Andra Eggleston, Gary Lai, Liz Micek, Justin Sayre, Doug Walter, Michael Wiener, Max Woertendyke and Cat Yezbak. Set and costumes for The Elephant Calf were done in collaboration with Felicia Garcia-Rivera. A playbill booklet was designed by Lauren Adolfsen. -