A script was developed by extracting and reformulating lines from popular disaster films such as Armageddon, Outbreak, The Day After Tomorrow, The Core, Deep Impact. This script was performed by actors, Neal Bledsoe and Annika Boras, as if they were a married couple hosting a dinner party. Within their neurotic dialogue, the impending threat to man’s survival continually shifts from an asteroid to a disease to a dramatic climate change. As they argue about the task at hand, saving the world, they begin feeding their dinner guests in a progressively frenzied manner. The language of American heroicism is re-articulated to explore its creepy absurdity and bathos.
Featuring actors Neal Bledsoe and Annika Boras, with Stephanie Dodes, Felicia Garcia-Rivera, Oliver Jones, Vicki Khuzami, Eldad Lev, MaryKate Maher, Mores McWreath, Liz Micek, Ana Munteanu, James Osbiston and Haim Shemesh. Video made with director of photography David Guinan, camera Gilad Ratman and sound operator Alex Passapera.